Helping the UK capturine a valuable share of the growing global civil aviation market
The Aerospace Technology Institute exists to help the UK capture a valuable share of the growing civil aviation market, and ensure that it remains a key global aerospace manufacturer. Endeavouring to maintain the UK’s world leading aircraft design and manufacturing capability.
Funding is available for manufacturers and suppliers with innovative technology or products that are aligned with the ATI’s technology strategy and priority areas of technology research. Businesses can apply for funding support to projects which align to the ATI’s Technology Strategy and maximise the potential to the UK economy.
ATI, in partnership with Innovate UK, are investing in technologies that align to the themes of: Aircraft of the Future; Smart, Connected and More Electric Aircraft; Aerostructures of the Future; and Propulsion of the Future. This joint government and industry investment is delivered via a 2-step process, with 3 main application windows each year for Aerospace Technology Institute funding, typically in January, May and September.
“Between now and 2030 there will be an estimated global demand for approximately 27,000 new passenger aircraft potentially worth up to $3.7 trillion. This figure alone signifies how vital the aerospace sector is to the UK.” (source
Applications can be made year round in alignment with the ATI’s review cycle cadence
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